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[爆料] dropbox的无限空间也彻底终结了









梦想的翅膀 发表于 2023-8-26 09:35:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我们将在Dropbox Advanced套餐中采用计量存储策略。我们的绝大多数客户今天都不需要采取任何行动,他们将能够在不收取额外费用的情况下将其现有存储和更多存储保留长达五年。阅读下面的更多细节。
我们专为企业设计了Dropbox Advanced,因此他们不必担心随着团队规模的扩大而扩展存储空间。在此计划下,团队可以根据需要访问尽可能多的存储,沿着复杂的管理、审计、安全和集成功能。我们知道,“需要多少空间就有多少空间”的策略会导致一定程度的不均匀使用,因为企业有不同的存储需求,这没关系。我们鼓励我们的客户使用Dropbox来完成他们所有最重要的工作。
从今天开始,购买Dropbox Advanced套餐并拥有三个有效许可证的客户将获得由团队共享的15 TB存储空间,足够存储约1亿份文档、400万张照片或7500小时的高清视频。每个额外的活动许可证将获得5 TB的存储空间。
每个许可证使用少于35 TB存储的客户(超过99%的高级客户)将能够保留其团队在收到通知时正在使用的存储总量,外加额外的5 TB池存储配额,为期五年,而无需对其现有计划收取额外费用。
对于每个许可证使用35 TB或更多存储的客户,我们承诺与您合作。为了使此过渡更容易,您将能够在收到通知时继续使用当前的存储量,再加上一年额外的5TB池存储配额(总计最多1,000TB),而无需对现有计划收取额外费用。我们的团队将在未来几周内与您联系,讨论获取您的企业或组织所需存储的一系列选项。

有关Dropbox Advanced计划的更多信息,请访问我们的帮助中心。

We’re moving to a metered storage policy on our Dropbox Advanced plan. There is no action required today from the vast majority of our customers, who will be able to keep their existing storage and more for up to five years at no additional charge. Read on below for additional details.
We designed Dropbox Advanced for businesses, so they don’t have to worry about scaling storage as their teams grow. Under this plan, teams had access to as much storage as they needed, along with sophisticated admin, audit, security, and integration capabilities. We knew that an “as much space as you need” policy would result in some level of uneven usage because businesses have varying storage needs—and that’s okay. We encourage our customers to use Dropbox for all of their most important work.
But over time, we found a growing number of customers were buying Advanced subscriptions not to run a business or organization, but instead for purposes like crypto and Chia mining, unrelated individuals pooling storage for personal use cases, or even instances of reselling storage. In recent months, we’ve seen a surge of this behavior in the wake of other services making similar policy changes. We’ve observed that customers like these frequently consume thousands of times more storage than our genuine business customers, which risks creating an unreliable experience for all of our customers. Importantly, our policy for Advanced has always been to provide as much storage as needed to run a legitimate business or organization, not to provide unlimited storage for any use case.
While we prohibit abusive behavior, maintaining long lists of “acceptable” and “unacceptable” use cases for Advanced would not be a sustainable solution, and these kinds of policies would be difficult to enforce at scale. As a result, we’re sunsetting the “as much space as you need” policy and transitioning to a metered model. That said, we’re committed to making this transition as seamless as possible for our customers.
Starting today, customers who purchase a Dropbox Advanced plan with three active licenses will receive 15TB of storage space shared by the team—enough space to store about 100 million documents, 4 million photos or 7500 hours of HD video. Each additional active license will receive 5TB of storage.
We’re committed to providing all customers around the world with a best-in-class experience, and offering generous support to help them transition to this new plan.
We recognize that changing an “all the space you need” policy will be disappointing for some customers. And while we‘re unable to offer this option going forward, our goal is to ensure that the vast majority of teams on our Advanced plan experience no disruption.
Customers using less than 35TB of storage per license—over 99% of Advanced customers—will be able to keep the total amount of storage their team is using at the time they’re notified, plus an additional 5TB credit of pooled storage, for five years at no additional charge to their existing plan.
For the less than 1% of customers utilizing 35TB or more of storage per license, we’re committed to working with you. To make this transition easier, you’ll be able to continue utilizing your current storage amount at the time you’re notified, plus an additional 5TB credit of pooled storage for one year (up to 1,000TB total), at no additional charge to your existing plan. You’ll be contacted by our team in the coming weeks to discuss a range of options for getting the storage that you need for your business or organization.
For customers who need additional space, storage add-ons will be available for purchase for new customers on September 18 and existing customers on November 1 at 1TB for $10/month if purchased monthly or $8/month if purchased annually.
We will begin gradually migrating existing customers to the new policy on November 1. You don't need to do anything today. We’ll notify all customers at least 30 days prior to their planned migration date.
We remain committed to providing a great experience to all our customers and ensuring they have the solutions they need to do their best work on Dropbox.

For more information on the Dropbox Advanced plan, please visit our Help Center.








一网情深 发表于 2023-8-26 11:03:21 | 显示全部楼层
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