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[分享] hosteons怎么样 - hosteons review









akphilip 发表于 2024-5-10 22:56:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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然而,就在本周,我所有的vps都被suspended了。 看上去很惨事吧? 事实上确实很惨。因为我并没有违反任何条款。

一开始他们只是告诉我,我违反了他们的条款。 但不告诉我具体是哪一条。

于是我一遍又一遍地问他们,反复地猜想我到底哪里做错了。 因为我除了安装 zerotier 和 nginx 外,没有安装任何额外的软件。 Debian系统都采用默认设置。

后来,他们发给我几个 hetrixtools 的链接,以证明我的vps停机是因为spam。


hetrixtools 的图表显示,所有vps在2023年12月做同一时间都被报告了spam。而我是2024年2月买的vps.


我不太了解 hetrixtools, 也不知道他们的依据。

我请求 hosteons 打开vps, 登录进去查看我到底有没有spam. 但他们只是搪塞,并不做任何正面回应。

所以,我确信一件事: 这家公司在骗我的钱,否则就是这家公司的服务很糟糕,他们并不希望客户感到舒服。

I used to have a good impression of hosting providers in Los Angeles. I have been running websites for 20 years, and I have used services in the Los Angeles area for 10 of them.

In February this year, I purchased 8 hosteons vps so that each website could have an independent IP.

However, just this week, all my vps have been suspended. Looks tragic, right? It's actually quite miserable. Because I didn't violate any terms.

At first they just told me that I was violating their terms. But don’t tell me which one it is.

So I asked them over and over again, wondering over and over what I had done wrong. Because I did not install any additional software except zerotier and nginx. Debian systems all use default settings.

Later, they sent me several hetrixtools links to prove that my vps was down because of spam.

The problem is that there is no mail service at all in my vps, and no mail-related ports are opened.

The chart from hetrixtools shows that all vps were reported to have spam at the same time in December 2023. And I bought the vps in February 2024.

Then in May 2024, almost at the same time, all vps were marked as spam.

I don't know much about hetrixtools and don't know their basis.

I asked hosteons to open the vps and log in to see if I had spam. But they just stalled and did not make any positive response.

So, I'm sure of one thing: This company is cheating me out of my money, otherwise this company has terrible service and they don't want their customers to feel comfortable.
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